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A Message from Fr. Cipolla

Dear Friends,

The recent announcement from the Archdiocese of Hartford that the Traditional Mass is suppressed at St. Stanislaus in New Haven is a source for me of deep sadness. The St. Gregory Society was founded 38 years ago to offer the Traditional Mass, especially in the beauty and depth of the Solemn form, as a positive response to St. John Paul II’s Indult allowing the use of the 1962 Missal. Not only did the Society play an important role in the regular restoration of the Traditional Mass but also brought back Beauty as an intrinsic and central element of the celebration of Holy Mass. The Society of St. Gregory’s importance to me is indeed great, for it was at my first celebration of the Traditional Roman Mass over twenty years ago in Sacred Heart church in New Haven that I first understood the transcendental power of the Mass and its deep relationship to the Beauty of the person of Jesus Christ who is both Priest and Victim.

I am convinced that despite the foolish and painful attempts in this pontificate to radically suppress the Mass of Catholic Tradition, Beauty is stronger than ignorance and oppression. In a real way the parishes that have offered and still offer that Traditional Mass are in debt to the St. Gregory Society for its leadership beginning 38 years ago to the present time. I would ask that as many Catholics who love the Traditional Roman Mass attend the “last” Traditional Mass in New Haven at St. Stanislaus Church on Sunday 14 January at 2 p.m. For the laity to show great support for the Traditional Mass is necessary at this time to counter the forces of reaction within the Church that have deliberately forgotten that the Mass is not self-worship but the worship of the transcendent God in the person of Jesus Christ.

Oremus pro invicem.

Father Richard Gennaro Cipolla, Ph.D., D. Phil.(Oxon)


“Last” Latin Mass in New Haven THIS SUNDAY

January 14th at 2 PM. St. Stanislaus Church, New Haven.



Holy Week in Hartford

Palm Sunday, April 10:

St. Martha’s, Enfield, 11 AM

St. Stanislaus, New Haven, 2 PM

St. Patrick’s, Waterbury, Low Mass, 8:30 AM High Mass, 10:30 AM
Monday in Holy Week

St. Patrick’s Waterbury, 8 AM
Tuesday in Holy Week

St. Patrick’s Waterbury, 8 AM
St. Augustine, North Branford, 6 PM

Spy Wednesday

St. Patrick’s, Waterbury, Low Mass, 8 AM, Tenebrae, 6 PM

Maundy Thursday

St. Patrick’s Waterbury,  High Mass, 12 Noon

Good Friday

St. Stanislaus, New Haven, 11 AM

St. Patrick’s Waterbury, 12 Noon

Easter Vigil

St. Patrick’s Waterbury, 12 Noon

Easter Sunday

St. Stanislaus, New Haven, High Mass, 2 PM

St. Martha, Enfield, High Mass, 11 AM

St. Patrick’s, Waterbury, 8:30 AM. Low Mass, 10:30 AM High Mass


Masses in the Archdiocese, Week of Feb 28-March 6

Tues. St. Augustine, North Branford, 6 PM

Tues. St. Patrick’s, Waterbury, 8 AM High Mass, 6 PM

Weds. St. Martha’s Church, Enfield, 7 PM

Weds. St. Patrick’s, Waterbury: 8 AM Low Mass, 6 PM High Mass.

Weds., St. Stanislaus, New Haven, 5:30 PM

Thursday, St. Patrick’s, Waterbury 8 AM

Friday, St. Patrick’s, Waterbury 8 AM

Saturday, St. Patrick’s Waterbury 8 AM, 12:30 PM Requiem

Saturday, 9 AM, St. Martha’s Enfield

Sunday, St. Martha’s Enfield, 11 AM

Sunday, St. Patrick’s, Waterbury, 8:30, 10:30

St. Stanislaus, New Haven, 2:00 PM


Traditional Blessing of Epiphany Holy Water in Connecticut

Photo via St. Patrick’s Parish and Oratory

The following churches will have the blessing of Epiphany Water on the eve of the Epiphany of Our Lord.

St. Cyril and Methodius, Bridgeport, 5:30 PM

Solemn First Vespers of the Epiphany at 5:30 p.m., followed by the blessing of this powerful sacramental (each service – Vespers and the Blessing – will take about 40 minutes).** PRACTICAL GUIDELINES **
(Please follow carefully!)- Each family may bring ONE container for blessing; it must be filled in advance with plain water.- If you cannot come to the blessing in the evening, you can drop off your pre-filled water container after the morning Mass. – For practical reasons, the bottle MUST have an easily removable cap that is sufficiently large (no smaller than a standard milk-jug-sized opening); containers with narrow necks will NOT have bleesed salt added to them.

St. Patrick’s Parish and Oratory, Waterbury, 6 PM

Join us on the Eve of the Epiphany 6pm at St. Patrick Oratory, Waterbury, CT for the Traditional Solemn Blessing of Epiphany Water, a powerful sacramental.Bring your containers of water, salt, frankincense, myrrh, gold, and chalk to be blessed and exorcized during the solemn blessing service on Jan. 5 @ 6pm.Please bring these objects to be blessed ahead of time at the Church blessing table adjacent to the Crèche.Water containers (no personal small bottles please) must have an opening large enough to place exorcized salt

St. Martha’s Parish, Enfield, 7 PM


Christmas in Connecticut

St. Mary Church, Norwalk, Midnight Mass; Solemn Mass 10 am.

St. Roch Church, Greenwich, 8 am

St. Michael the Archangel, Pawcatuck, 11 AM

Sts. Cyril and Methodius Oratory, Bridgeport, CHRISTMAS EVE
Office of Prime and Christmas Martyrology after Low Mass of the Vigil, 8:30 am; Christmas Carols at 11:30 p.m., followed by Procession to the Crib & Midnight Mass; CHRISTMAS DAY, Low Mass at 8:30 a.m. & High Mass at 10:15 a.m.

St. Emery Church, Fairfield, Solemn Midnight Mass and Christmas Day, 12:30 pm

St. Marguerite Bourgeoys, Brookfield, 12:30 pm

St. Patrick Church, Waterbury, CHRISTMAS EVE: 8:30 AM Low Mass, 5 PM Holy Hour of Adoration and Confessions. Christmas Midnight High Mass, starting with carols at 11:30pm, confession available 11pm; Christmas Day: 8:30am Low Mass & 10:30am High Mass with Benediction.

St. Martha, Enfield, Midnight Mass and 11 am.

St. Stanislaus, New Haven, 2 pm.


Michaelmas in Fairfield


Friday, May 14th in N. Branford


Holy Week in Norwalk
