Christ the King / All Saints / First Friday

Please join us this week for these celebrations of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass said according to the 1962 Roman Missal.

Location: St. Peter’s Church, 160 Main St., Hartford, CT

Sunday, Oct. 30, 7:30 a.m., the Feast of Our Lord Jesus Christ the King, followed by the Consecration to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

Tuesday, Nov. 1, 9:00 a.m., the Feast of All Saints.

Friday, Nov. 4, 6:30 p.m. First Friday Mass


On the Facebooks


Latin Mass at St. Mary’s New Britain Cancelled

As of October 16th, 2011 the regularly scheduled weekly and Holy Day Mass in the Extraordinary Form at St. Mary’s in New Britain has been cancelled. St. Mary’s has been home to the old Mass for four years and the community itself had been worshiping together using the traditional sacraments for over 20 years. The reason for the cancellation is for lack of priests able or willing to celebrate the ancient Mass. Archbishop Mansell has commended any of the parishioners of St. Mary’s attached to the traditional Mass to the parish of St. Peter in Hartford and to the pastoral care of Rev. Dairo Diaz. Father Diaz has been regularly celebrating the Extraordinary Form as a regular part of the parish Mass schedule for a year. Fr. Diaz welcomes those who attended Mass in New Britain and any other Catholics attached to the E.F. to become an active part of St. Peter’s parish. The Mass at St. Peter’s is currently celebrated at 7:30 am on Sundays. In an effort to make it easier for those who need to travel to Hartford for Mass, Fr. Dairo will be scheduling the E.F. Mass at a later hour in the morning come mid November. The time of Masses on Holy Days will vary.


Upcoming Conference: “For the Whole Church: Looking Forward with Summorum Pontificum”


Perspectives on the Traditional Liturgy and Catholic Culture in the wake of the Instruction “Universae Ecclesiae” and on the Fourth Anniversary of the Motu Proprio “Summorum Pontificum”

The four years that have elapsed since the effective date of Summorum Pontificum have witnessed an amazing flowering of the Traditional liturgy in this country.  While still encountering many obstacles, the Traditional Liturgy continues to acquire new supporters and new homes – often in what previously were thought to be the most inhospitable places.  And every Catholic must ask: what does  this liturgical ferment mean for the Christian life in the contemporary world?  The Society of St. Hugh of Cluny is organizing this conference to take stock of  these developments and to provide a broader context for what we have experienced. We will hear extraordinary speakers who, each in a very different way, will provide insights on the political, legal and spiritual dimensions of  living Traditional Catholicism today.  We also hope that this will be an opportunity for us to get to know each other better and to lay the foundations for continued fruitful cooperation in the work of restoring Christendom.

The conference will take place in the church and church hall of St. Mary’s Parish, Norwalk CT. Directions.  Parking is available.
Please register ahead: Send an email to by September 18
Friday, September 23:
 7:30 PM Vespers
8:30 PM Introductory Presentation: Father Richard Cipolla
Refreshments will be served.
Saturday, September 24:
9:00 AM EF mass in St. Mary Church
10:45 AM: Introduction
11: AM Prof. Luc Perrin (University of Strasbourg, France) “Catholic Traditionalism from a French Perspective”
12: Lunch
1:15 Lorenz Jaeger (Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Germany). Dr. Jaeger will read selections from his “Exerzitien” (Spiritual Exercises – Dr. Jaeger’s series of articles in the FAZ.)
2:15 Msgr. Ignacio Barreiro Carámbula, S.T.D. (Director of Rome Office of Human Life International; Acting President of HLI 2010-2011): “A Comment on the Instruction Universae Ecclesiae on the application of the Apostolic Letter Summorum Pontificum  ”
3;30: Closing Panel/ Summary
Registration fee (payable at the conference): $20
For further information contact:
We would appreciate contacting us at if you plan to attend.


No Mass in New Britain This Sunday

The 4 pm Sunday Mass at St. Mary’s in New Britain is cancelled for this Sunday the 18th. Masses will resume Sunday September 25th.


Traditional Masses Resume in Hartford on September 4th

With Fr. Diaz’s return from Rome, the traditional Mass apostolate will resume with Masses on Sunday at 7:30 am and first Fridays at 6:30 pm.


No Masses at St. Peter’s for July/August

Fr. Diaz is studying this Summer in Rome so no Masses will be offered on Sundays or First Fridays until his return. Masses will resume on the first Sunday in September.


Traditional Mass & Stations of the Cross at St. Peter’s

This Friday, April 1st there will be a traditional Mass in the Extraordinary Form celebrated at St. Peter’s on Main St. in Hartford at 6:30 pm. The Mass will be followed by the Stations of the Cross led by the pastor Fr. Dairo Diaz.


Traditional Masses for Ash Wednesday

This Wednesday, March 9,  St. Mary Church, Nowalk, CT will offer a  Solemn Traditional Mass for Ash Wednesday  at 5:30 pm.

On Ash Wednesday, March 9,  a Traditional Low Mass will be celebrated at St Bridget of Kildare Church, Moodus, CT at 10 AM with distribution of ashes.  A Traditional Mass (low) also will be celebrated at 7:30 AM each Monday of Lent.

Thanks to the Society of St. Hugh of Cluny for the information.


Photos from Pontifical Mass in Cromwell

A photo gallery from the Pontifical High Mass celebrated at Holy Apostles College on Monday.
